701 N Montgomery St. assisted living
701 N Montgomery St, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
An existing teacher’s retirement community has been updated into a vibrant assisted and special needs complex. Set in a beautifully landscaped grove, the buildings are within several blocks of the historic downtown of Ojai. The residential additions complete courtyard clusters of about 22 units each. A new country kitchen in each cluster is connected by trellis covered walkways. The salmon stucco and white trim restores the original Architecture. New construction, in Ojai, is subject to severe restrictions. The architectural detailing was meticulously studied and reviewed to ensure a seamless blend of new and old.
Design start:
Planning / Zoning approval:
Building permit issued (or Ready-to-Issue):
Construction start:
Substantial completion / Certificate of Occupancy:
Building & construction data
Scope of construction project:
Scope of architectural services provided:
Project delivery method:
Occupancies (CBC):
Construction Types (CBC):
Total building area (CBC):
Portion of area within scope (if different):
Height (CBC):
# Total vehicle parking:
# Residential vehicle parking:
# Non-residential vehicle parking:
8 acre site
Zoning / Planning / Entitlements
Total site parcel(s) area:
Zone(s) at time of design:
Relevant regulatory framework:
Other zoning:
Housing & residential
Total # residential units:
Bedroom mix / breakdown:
Average unit size: