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Albert Group

12012 Valleyheart Dr. apartments


12012 Valleyheart Dr., Studio City, CA 916014

This is the second of two multifamily projects on Valleyheart Dr. (Check out the first one at 12017 Valleyheart).

Like the first Valleyheart project, this building is located on a lot with a curved front property line. The front of the building follows that curve with cascading balconies in both plan and elevation. The building is 4 wood-framed residential stories on top of 1 subterranean concrete parking level. The units are all arranged around, and accessible from, an inner courtyard lined with a thin vertical steel picket guardrail mounted on the edge of the floor.

In some areas, these guardrails run floor to floor to function as a shading device/privacy screen and as a vegetation grow surface that connects to the built-in courtyard planters. Two main stair cores, including one triangular stair, and one elevator serve the building. There is a 900 SF recreation room at the ground floor. Each 1-bedroom unit has 1 bath, each 2-bedroom unit 2 baths, and the 3-bedroom units have 2 baths.

The exterior of the building is a combination of smooth white cement plaster and vertical corrugated black aluminum siding. Glass, stucco and thin steel picket guardrails, which extend above or below in places and doubling as sun louvers, enclose balconies along the street facing the LA River.

Anchor 1


Design start:

Planning / Zoning approval:

Building permit issued (or Ready-to-Issue):

Construction start:

Substantial completion / Certificate of Occupancy:


Type VA over Type IA






Building & construction data

Scope of construction project:

Scope of architectural services provided:

Project delivery method:

Occupancies (CBC):

Construction Types (CBC):

Total building area (CBC):

Portion of area within scope (if different):

Height (CBC):

# Total vehicle parking:

# Residential vehicle parking:

# Non-residential vehicle parking:

43,000 SF


Zoning / Planning / Entitlements

Total site parcel(s) area:

Zone(s) at time of design:

Relevant regulatory framework:

Other zoning:

Housing & residential

Total # residential units:

Bedroom mix / breakdown:

Average unit size:





Albert Group Architects
1745 Berkeley St. Suite 4
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 820-8863
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